Saturday, April 21, 2012

My Bologna has a second name, it's I.T.A.L.Y.

My continued study abroad plans have been confirmed long enough that it's time I spread the news. I will be returning to Italy to study abroad for another semester in the fall.

I'll have a single apartment in Bologna and will take classes at the University of Bologna through Brown.

Part of why I initially decided to study abroad as a sophomore was to allow for this possibility. I wanted to go to Spain, but the abroad office suggested I return to Italy- a plan that I'm now very pleased with. (Sorry to end that on a preposition, but try typing "a plan with which I am very pleased" and see how unnatural it feels.) I'm happy because: I am already familiarish with Italian culture, I'll keep improving my Italian language abilities, and I will keep checking cities off of my Euro bucket list, which grows ever longer. I'm sad because: I miss Claremont/Claremont friends.

It was tough to confirm this decision knowing I wouldn't see some people for over a year, but distance makes the heart grow fonder. Getting away from Scripps this semester has made me appreciate it in ways I couldn't/ wouldn't have had I stayed. A girl in Madrid on her second semester abroad told me that she wanted to really miss her college and then return loving it. I feel that my three semesters back at Scripps will be greatly improved following two semesters abroad.

Anyway, a bunch of my friends will be also abroad in the fall. (Suite mates: could you please remind me who is fall and who is spring?)

This spring break taught me that sometimes it's better to travel with people I know, rather than holding myself responsible for making new friends whenever possible. Traveling with kids on my Rome program is fun, but less comfortable, i.e. involves a lot of "how many siblings do you have"s and "are you sure you don't mind eating there? it doesn't seem like you really want to"s.

Knowing I get to come back to Italy is easing the anxiety of moving back. Spring is here in her fullest glory, making the thought of leaving extra unappealing. There was an awkward lull in the middle of the program between the excitement of arrival and the realization of the end but, recently, the last phase has given me a renewed gratitude for my surroundings.

So this is perfect. I get to go back to LA, see friends, eat Mexican until I bleed salsa, spend my fall flex dollars*, then come back to frolic once more + study at the oldest university in Europe.


*your meal plan doesn't know you're abroad!! if you're leaving and can't make it to campus, give someone the gift of your card number/ the ability to buy every Naked juice at the Coop Store!

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