Wednesday, February 15, 2012

You're welcome to use this as a case study on obesity

I thought I ordered pizza yesterday, but it turns out a ordered A pizza. I proceeded to walk around eating it out of the box until it was gone.

Similarly, today, I stopped for pizza twice within a 10 minute span. Ever since I was little, after I've eaten a huge meal at a restaurant, all I can think of when I pass subsequent restaurants is that the people there don't know how much I've just eaten.

Therefore, when I passed a pizza place immediately after finishing my first pizza, I had to do it. I knew that if I threw away the packaging, the people inside would have no knowledge of my gluttony... though everyone else does. Sorry, should I not make this sort of information public?

I'll have you know that I'd just walked what I'm pretty sure was the length of >3 marathons.

I gave in and got antibiotics today and, while I managed find with the bus on the way there, I had no idea how to return.

Someone told me that men and women are biologically different in how they comprehend direction/directions. Men lay out a map in their heads, while women base everything on landmarks. I have no primary source for this information, but I believe it. If I miss my landmarks, I'm screwed. This is a really bad way to orient oneself in Rome, where everything looks the same.

It has caused me a whole lot of unwanted walking. I only ever know where I am supposed to be in relation to the Vatican and Castel Sant'Angelo. After the doctor's appointment, once I started seeing signs pointing toward those, I figured I'd just walk to school. BAD PLAN. It turns out that Rome signage is done Wall Drug style. Honestly, it would be like putting a sign for Disneyland in Santa Monica, with an arrow but no distance listed. Awful.

Once, Claire and I meant to go for a walk around Lake Calhoun and ended up looping onto Lake of the Isles and Cedar Lake. Today was worse than that. It was quite lovely as usual, however "but it's so pretty!" can only work for so many miles on achey feet, before I don't actually care. It's like people who are "just so nice!". If you know what I mean, you know what I mean.

However, is was all worth it because a) I have medicine and b) the doctor was adorable. He looked like someone who would be camping in an Eddie Bauer catalog mixed with the old man version of Digory Kirke. He lives in Holland and flies to Rome for two days a week between his research and other travels. I want this man to be my grandfather, husband, and son (not at the same time).

It was a little weird how old school the practice was. To confirm my sinus infection, he had me sit on a regular chair and blow my nose in a napkin. Yes, he inspected the napkin after said procedure. :/

It's odd how Rome is a blend of being extremely modern at the same time as feeling like a small, old town. I don't even mean architecture-wise. For example, a few days ago, I didn't have enough money to pay for a sandwich at a cafe that didn't accept credit cards, so the lady gave me the sandwich and said to pay later. (I did; don't worry.) I wouldn't even expect that in Minnesota, so it was surprising and really cool that that happened in such a big city.

Okay this is all random and not important. Tomorrow I will recap my weekend in Naples.

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